luni, 1 septembrie 2008

Milosh- You make me feel

"I have always had an intense attraction to songs that are sad, soft and beautiful. I try to capture the moments that are my life in the songs that I create. I take things that for whatever reason, be it good, bad or sad have moved me in some way. I wrap them up in sounds that I think are cool and fit what I am trying to say. I try to ride that thin line of mixing technology with some heart and I try not to cloud the original intention of the song."

This is Milosh, a Canadian electronic musician that seems to have a very good and well organized receipt in creating songs. Well Done!

More of Milosh:

Un comentariu:

ccq spunea...

Uh.Nici nu stiam ca si tu esti pe aici. Mi-e putin dor de yahoo360 ca sa fiu sincera.Aveam multe amintiri frumoase cu el ;))
Anyway, o sa apari si tu in blogroll, doar noi....astia cu blog-uri trebuie sa fim uniti,a?
P.S:Am un coleg pe al carui pisic il cheama Milosh. E castrat.