Micatone - Sweet Child
Some jazz...with Micatone, a German acid jazz/ nu jazz band.
Morning Becomes Eclectic
Micatone - Sweet Child
Some jazz...with Micatone, a German acid jazz/ nu jazz band.
Milosh - Then it Happened
"I clicked the link and watched, and as I sat there taking in what she created this feeling of happiness started to pour through me." Milosh
Am vrut sa scriu ceva complicat despre muzica lui Milosh, insa tot ce compune el e atat de simplu si frumos incat nu are rost sa complici lucrurile.
A nice short film made by Tomas Mankovsky.
There's lots of making of-stuff on the website.
STIMMING-The Loneliness
Martin Stimming, on his real name, is a minimal techno artist from Hamburg.
Modjo - Lady
Nu stiu cum, nu stiu de ce, dar melodia asta mi-a ramas in cap de foarte mult timp si de fiecare data cand o ascult imi da o stare foarte oraculara.
"The Girl And The Robot" from Röyksopp. This is the second single off "Junior" featuring Robin on vocals.
Raz Ohara and The Odd Orchestra - Kisses
"Patrick Rasmussen, aka Raz Ohara, is something of an underground superstar...." (last.fm)
listen also to Agony
Who I am and what I want by D.S.
Pe David Shrigley l-am descoperit in Paris, atunci cand am cumparat Evil Thoughts (22 de Postcarduri printre care si "Orgy is Interrupted by Earthquake"). Imi place foarte mult ceea ce face si vorba unui prieten : Omul are o minte bolnava....intr-un sens bun.
Nu prea ma joc eu pe alde PC sau orice alta platforma, insa trailerul noului joc de la Ubisoft, R.U.S.E., pare foarte reusit.