Leo's Song from impactist on Vimeo.
"When a geometric visitor from another planet becomes your new roommate and shares with you the tragic state of its home world, you drop your guitar and see what you can do."
Morning Becomes Eclectic
Leo's Song from impactist on Vimeo.
"When a geometric visitor from another planet becomes your new roommate and shares with you the tragic state of its home world, you drop your guitar and see what you can do."
New music "Everything Up" featuring Henry Binns from the forthcoming album "Yeah Ghost."
more on Myspace
All that is solid melts into the air
Under a violent irruption of forms and structures, everything flows towards a constant evolution. “All that is solid” is a visual and poetic journey influenced by art, design, architecture and photography.
Design / Direction / Animation - Kultnation
Sound Design - Echolab
"Cuando Dios se rie de mi alma, Cuando el sol calienta el agua"
Bon Iver on Last.Fm
Bear McCreary feat. Supernova String Quartet - A Promise To return.
These days I'm on symphonic mode: Chopin, Phillip Glass & Bear McCreary. And yeah, I'm a big fan of Battlestar Galactica.
Designed by Esteban Diácono, this peaceful animation project is inspired by the music of Olafur Arnalds - Ljósið.
"there is nothing in a catterpilar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly"
"do not break the silence"
"you need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star"
"remember quiet nights"
"think outside the box"
"let yourself feel"
Dominique A - Le Courage des Oiseaux
Wow! A great live performance.
Gustav(Eva Jantschitsch) produces songs on the laptop, plays all kinds of instruments and "sings with the sort of inimitable power you cannot muster up any resistance to". With an origin in vienna, gustav's tunes are in various languages,sometimes English, sometimes French, sometimes German – " but the appeal ist completely universelle "
Friendly Fires on last fm
Music Painting by JUL & MAT from JUL & MAT
Metronomy - On the Motorway (2009)
"Ruarri Joseph is a singer/songwriter based in Newquay, Cornwall. He was signed to Atlantic Records, and released his debut album Tales of Grime and Grit in mid-2007 on the label." (from Wikipedia)
Genre: Acoustic / Folk / Alternative
Ruarri Joseph on myspace
"SURFACE is an experimental film, exploring the emotional journey from an underground urban perspective.
This 'urban symphony' transforms human actions and street objects into beats that harmoniously compose a grand audio and visual composition. The film emphasizes the ideas of ‘point of contact’, ‘human identity’ and notion of ‘live footprints’. "
At 2:55 I realized I was fallin' in love with her. That's why it's called Music Experience.
Theresa Andersson on myspace
Nitrada on Virb
Nitrada on Last.fm
Nitrada - We don't know why but we do it
Nitrada -Everything is not alright
This amazing infographic it's made by Jr. Canest, student of Vancouver Film School (VFS).
Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. (more on wikipedia )
"Be my, be my, be my little
rock and roll queen "
"Over 2,000 people of all ages downloaded the same mp3, pressed play at the same time, and had a blast together. "
They seem to have a lot of fun. Something that you can't find in Bucharest.
Yesterday I found this amazing video from Air. "Electric Perfomers" is the name of the song from the album 10,000 Hz Legend (2001), please enjoy it.
Firekites - Autumn Story
A nice stop motion music video directed by Yanni Kronenberg and Lucinda Schreiber.
Firekites on myspace
"Drinkin' wine and killin' time, Sitting in the summer sun".
Brooklyn's band Matt and Kim strip down in NY. Original music video with an unexpected end.
Sigur Ros - Við spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque
Sigur Ros intr-o cafenea din Paris.
Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald performing "Dancing on the Ceilling" and "Too Close For Comfort" (this one is my fav)....for a lazy Sunday morning
Daedelus is back! with a new hypnotic, dreamy track - La Nocturn - from the ep Friends of Friends. I've been listening to it over and over again the past two days and the sound is simply amazing.
Micatone - Sweet Child
Some jazz...with Micatone, a German acid jazz/ nu jazz band.
Milosh - Then it Happened
"I clicked the link and watched, and as I sat there taking in what she created this feeling of happiness started to pour through me." Milosh
Am vrut sa scriu ceva complicat despre muzica lui Milosh, insa tot ce compune el e atat de simplu si frumos incat nu are rost sa complici lucrurile.
A nice short film made by Tomas Mankovsky.
There's lots of making of-stuff on the website.
STIMMING-The Loneliness
Martin Stimming, on his real name, is a minimal techno artist from Hamburg.
Modjo - Lady
Nu stiu cum, nu stiu de ce, dar melodia asta mi-a ramas in cap de foarte mult timp si de fiecare data cand o ascult imi da o stare foarte oraculara.
"The Girl And The Robot" from Röyksopp. This is the second single off "Junior" featuring Robin on vocals.
Raz Ohara and The Odd Orchestra - Kisses
"Patrick Rasmussen, aka Raz Ohara, is something of an underground superstar...." (last.fm)
listen also to Agony
Who I am and what I want by D.S.
Pe David Shrigley l-am descoperit in Paris, atunci cand am cumparat Evil Thoughts (22 de Postcarduri printre care si "Orgy is Interrupted by Earthquake"). Imi place foarte mult ceea ce face si vorba unui prieten : Omul are o minte bolnava....intr-un sens bun.
Nu prea ma joc eu pe alde PC sau orice alta platforma, insa trailerul noului joc de la Ubisoft, R.U.S.E., pare foarte reusit.
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
via edi
"An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler. "(imdb)
Pe 16 Octombrie va avea loc premiera, ceea ce va fi perfect pentru un film de vazut in perioada Craciunului.
"Inside all of us is ADVENTURE"
"This corner of the earth is like me in many ways..."
...for the good old times.