Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
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Morning Becomes Eclectic
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
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"An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler. "(imdb)
Pe 16 Octombrie va avea loc premiera, ceea ce va fi perfect pentru un film de vazut in perioada Craciunului.
"Inside all of us is ADVENTURE"
"This corner of the earth is like me in many ways..."
...for the good old times.
Erik de Vahl - Friendly Fire
Erik De Vahl is an electronic - indie kind of musician from Sweden. Nice sound!
At this year’s TED, Capt. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation gave a short talk on how plastic waste is choking the seas, killing birds and poisoning fish.
No water, no life. No blue, no green.
also you should watch this:
New Royksopp - "Happy Up Here" from their latest album Junior. The new LP features guest appearances from Lykke Li, Robyn and Karin Dreijer Andersson (Fever Ray/The Knife).