sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2008

Where Is Yo Rupture?

Andy Warhol - "Where Is Yo Rupture?" (1960)

Lonely Drifter Karen - "This World Is Crazy"

"This world is crazy/ Yes, that's what it is /And here we are now/ Far away from the city/ Don't we look pretty....." ...yes indeed

more about Lonely Drifter Karen

miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2008

The Bookshelf

It's the white bookshelf that's driving me crazy

Matthew Rolston

Pictures taken by Matthew Rolston, an American fashion photographer and music video director.

Jim Carrey always makes me smile.

marți, 25 noiembrie 2008

Andy Warhol eating a hamburger.

"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." Andy Warhol

Extrem de mecanic si incredibil de realist.

duminică, 23 noiembrie 2008



1. SayCet - Dream Factory
2. Röyksopp - Circuit breaker
3. Múm - Dancing Behind My Eyelids
4. Daedelus - Sawtooth Ekg
5. Ellen Allien & Apparat - Way Out
6. Saltillo - A Hair On The Head Of John The Baptist
7. Milosh - Wrapped round my ways
8. Apparat - You don't know me

(picture from fffound)

joi, 20 noiembrie 2008

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Prints by graphic designer John Magnifico.

"a poster series that imply metaphors of reducing, reusing, and recycling through origami. the display type is a custom face that is meant to look like folded paper."


TRIOON - Karl Kliem/ Germania

......simply amazing

(seen at Kinofest)

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

Robin Rhode

' The streets were calling"truth or dare".'
Robin Rhode, a South African artist, "uses the simplest of means - his own body, a piece of chalk, a stick, a brick, a wall or floor - to create narratives about the inner city and the dreams and desires of urban tribes and subcultures."

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

U.S. Campaign For Burma

"No one shall be arrested, put in jail, or exiled without good reason."

Free Aung San Suu Kyi. Free Burma.

(via swissmiss)

sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2008

Sia - Soon We'll Be Found

Ultimul material aparut al cantaretei australiene, Sia, o transforma intr-o adevarata artista. Ultima melodie se intituleaza Soon We'll Be Found si se gaseste pe albumul SOME PEOPLE HAVE REAL PROBLEMS - - numele albumului ma face sa ma simt foarte mic.

joi, 13 noiembrie 2008


Mi se pare o idee interesanta sa ai beculete atarnate prin camera. Imi da o senzatie de liniste si caldura.
Iar "&" da o nota de eleganta.