sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2008

Amelia by Édouard Lock

Amelia - a film by Édouard Lock

"The multi-award-winning dance film Amelia (2002) explores the use of point technique using extended intertwining solos, complex partnering sequences and extreme speed to generate powerful performances with unexpected moments of tender emotion and serenity. "

more on opusarte

via Felicia

That's Why They Call It Art


....i mean she speaks and speaks about his art and about how great he is and then he says only "fudge". I must say I'm amazed.

marți, 16 decembrie 2008



1.Milosh - You Fill Me
2.Abakus - A Whole New Way Of Looking At The Day
3.CocoRosie - Brazilian Sun
4.Kings Of Convenience - The Build Up
5.Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. 1
6.Lemongrass - Form Of Life
7.The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home
8.Miriam Stockley - Kissing in the Rain (Great Expectations OST)

luni, 15 decembrie 2008

port-royal - Putin vs Valery

A few days ago i discovered this electro-ambient band from Italy, port-royal (thx to Teo). But today i saw this video that made me droool. It's full of sexuality.


duminică, 14 decembrie 2008

The new NEW YORK

Noua campania de promovare a NY-lui, made by Saatchi & Saatchi. E frumoasa, sincer eu as merge tot pe stilul minimalist al primului logo, cel clasic.

mai multe la Brand New

Devendra Banhart - Carmensita

"Devendra Banhart (born May 30, 1981) is a Venezuelan-American folk rock singer-songwriter and musician. Banhart's music has been classified as indie folk, psych folk, freak folk, Naturalismo, and New Weird America; his lyrics are often surreal and naturalistic."


thx Felicia

"Consumed with rage, Rajah performs the cosmic dance of creation and destruction."....muhahahaha this one makes me dance :)

miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008

Andy Warhol style

Andy Warhol style
"ahh...no, ahh...yes"

....I must admit that He's my Idol

vineri, 5 decembrie 2008

Free Space. Open Space. More Space.

Free Space. Open Space. More Space.

La mine totul e vorba de spatiu, lumina si linii. Spatiu cat mai mare si luminos da senzatia de libertate pe cand liniile ( predominant cele verticale in poza) creeaza o ordine a lucrurilor.
"Canapeaua" se numeste Flying Carpet si sincer m-as putea lipsi de ea insa celelalte elemente sunt in concordanta cu stilul meu : o biblioteca cu cat mai multe rafturi, o trotineta pe fundal, interior cu geamuri largi si peretii albi. Frumos!

marți, 2 decembrie 2008



1.The Avalanches - Since I Left You
2.Doctor Rockit - Café de Flore
3. Kruder & Dorfmeister - Moving In The Right Direction
4.Louie Austen - One Night In Rio
5.Dj Cam feat Anggun - Summer In Paris
6.Cinerex - Simple Song
7.Micatone - Plastic Bags & Magazines
8.Blazzaj feat Mara - Un Lucru

...i need to smoke some cigarettes

luni, 1 decembrie 2008

1st December

Wish you a happy, happy, joy, joy 1st December !

photograph by Greg Miller

sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2008

Where Is Yo Rupture?

Andy Warhol - "Where Is Yo Rupture?" (1960)

Lonely Drifter Karen - "This World Is Crazy"

"This world is crazy/ Yes, that's what it is /And here we are now/ Far away from the city/ Don't we look pretty....." ...yes indeed

more about Lonely Drifter Karen

miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2008

The Bookshelf

It's the white bookshelf that's driving me crazy

Matthew Rolston

Pictures taken by Matthew Rolston, an American fashion photographer and music video director.

Jim Carrey always makes me smile.

marți, 25 noiembrie 2008

Andy Warhol eating a hamburger.

"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." Andy Warhol

Extrem de mecanic si incredibil de realist.

duminică, 23 noiembrie 2008



1. SayCet - Dream Factory
2. Röyksopp - Circuit breaker
3. Múm - Dancing Behind My Eyelids
4. Daedelus - Sawtooth Ekg
5. Ellen Allien & Apparat - Way Out
6. Saltillo - A Hair On The Head Of John The Baptist
7. Milosh - Wrapped round my ways
8. Apparat - You don't know me

(picture from fffound)

joi, 20 noiembrie 2008

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Prints by graphic designer John Magnifico.

"a poster series that imply metaphors of reducing, reusing, and recycling through origami. the display type is a custom face that is meant to look like folded paper."


TRIOON - Karl Kliem/ Germania

......simply amazing

(seen at Kinofest)

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

Robin Rhode

' The streets were calling"truth or dare".'
Robin Rhode, a South African artist, "uses the simplest of means - his own body, a piece of chalk, a stick, a brick, a wall or floor - to create narratives about the inner city and the dreams and desires of urban tribes and subcultures."

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

U.S. Campaign For Burma

"No one shall be arrested, put in jail, or exiled without good reason."

Free Aung San Suu Kyi. Free Burma.

(via swissmiss)

sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2008

Sia - Soon We'll Be Found

Ultimul material aparut al cantaretei australiene, Sia, o transforma intr-o adevarata artista. Ultima melodie se intituleaza Soon We'll Be Found si se gaseste pe albumul SOME PEOPLE HAVE REAL PROBLEMS - - numele albumului ma face sa ma simt foarte mic.

joi, 13 noiembrie 2008


Mi se pare o idee interesanta sa ai beculete atarnate prin camera. Imi da o senzatie de liniste si caldura.
Iar "&" da o nota de eleganta.

marți, 21 octombrie 2008

Justice - DVNO

New video from Justice electronic music duo. It's kind of Icon & Typography style. I like it.

thx George for sharing it

Vespa Zafferano - Urban Chic

Icon-ul Italiei loveste din nou : Vespa Zafferano, ultimul design al celor de la Vespa, un "urban chic" ce trebuie sa-l ai in vedere. Din nefericire pentru pasionati, Zafferano este o editie limitata punandu-se in vanzare doar 200 de bucati. Daca te grabesti, ea se gaseste in doua modele - cu motor de 50cmc (£2100) si un motor de 125cmc (£2750) - insa o singura culoare :"vibrant orange".

luni, 20 octombrie 2008

Blackboard style.

This is one of my wishies : to have a blackboard on my wall.

Phase IV

The beginning of the movie Phase IV, directed by Saul Bass

"When the effect came it was almost unnoticed because it happened to such a small and insignificant form of life. "

"Ordinary ants of different species were doing things that ants don't do: meeting, communicating, making decisions."

....it's so damn hilarious

vineri, 17 octombrie 2008

Tengu's the perfect cheery techno desk-top pet.

Tengu, the perfect pixeled pet for your PC (or Mac of course). This mouthy little USB companion plugs into any USB and his sound sensor will pick up any noise, music or speech making him merrily mouth along to whatever is going on. He blinks, winks and babbles away silently to himself like a demented little droid, keeping you company during the drudgery of work.

For only £19.95 you can buy it from iwantoneofthose

Work it better

"Work It Harder Make It Better".....oh my god...i mean, i know some tricks with my yo-yo Fast 201 (actually,there are 3 or 4) but what this kid can do is simply amazing. I need to "work it harder":(

thx Edi for sharing it

miercuri, 8 octombrie 2008

The Verve - Love Is Noise

The Verve - Love Is Noise, great tune combined with a beautiful video. Make me wanna dance.

luni, 6 octombrie 2008

Glass Wall

Glass Wall for my ideal house. Let the light come into your soul.

vineri, 3 octombrie 2008

Happy Weekend!

Here's a new weekend in front of us, i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i will try to do, despite of the fact that i'm working on Saturday. So,wish you a Happy Weekend!

Picture from the PhotoAlbum : NYC through a Holga.

Hurricane & SoCal Fire Poster Projects

THE HURRICANE POSTER PROJECT (THPP) has been conceived as a collective effort by the design community to unite and effect change through their work. Their goal was to raise at least $1,000,000 for the Red Cross through this project. In 2008 a new initiative was started to sell posters to raise money for the victims of the wild fires in Southern California.

Frank Chimero is a graphic designer, illustrator, and writer living in Missouri, USA. He participated at the project with 2 posters: the first one for the THPP and the second one for the SoCal Fire Poster Project.

Arovane - Instant Gods Out Of The Box

Origin: Germany
Intelligent dance music, ambient, electronica

"Arovane is the recording name of German electronic music artist Uwe Zahn. Arovane's sound can be characterized as ethereal, intellectually melodic, organic, warm and ambient yet technically involved with structured, often heavy, breakbeat and hip hop influenced beats. It is richly layered with synths and textured distortions and focuses more on generating a melancholy nostalgic feeling than 4-on-the-floor dance beats. The tempos are midrange and Arovane has been labeled as IDM by many."

More about Arovane:



Aooleu no. 5

Issue 5 of Aooleu is out. Yahoooooooo!!!. This one is a "pretty dark, gothic affair". I just can't wait to read it.

marți, 30 septembrie 2008

My name is Lisa

"My Name is Lisa" is a short film about a 13 year old girl dealing with her mother's Alzheimer's Disease.

Alzheimer's is one of many serious and scary diseases still without a cure. Alzheimer's causes gradual memory loss. 250,000 children, age 8-18 are caregiving forsomeone with Alzheimer's or dementia. To find out more and take action, visit:

luni, 29 septembrie 2008

Stylish coat hangers

Hang your stylish clothes, boughted from stylish cities on this stylish coat hangers :). Two cities that i adore, New York and London. You can buy this items from ShowHome for only £44.


Si pentru ca tot sunt la moda Outlet-urile uite ca s-a deschis unu si on-line ceea ce mi se pare mult mai accesibil. Gasiti aici o gama larga de produse iar transportul este gratuit.

"Am deschis primul Outlet ON-LiNE romanesc in care aducem produse ale unor marci foarte cunoscute cum sunt :Adidas Originals, Lacoste, Asics Tiger, Diadora Heritage. Avem peste 1200 de produse diferite de la acesti producatori si speram sa va putem aduce o gama din ce in ce mai variata de produse. Tocmai am introdus si o colectie de Editii Limitate Adidas Originals cu peste 120 de modele pentru cei mai pretentiosi. "

joi, 25 septembrie 2008


I guess this might be the real scenario that could happen in case of an emergency landing. Especially when it comes to "Brace Position" :D.
Press the picture to enlarge.

miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008


Supermandolini™ it's a brand - Online Boutique - created by two graphic designers from Thessaloniki, Greece.

"Starting only with a range of t-shirt designs in mind we ended up producing and designing more than just apparel. At the moment our boutique has a range of handmade accessories like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and pins and a limited number of high quality posters and canvases which all have been designed with the same energy and eye for detail that describes our work."

Shipping available in Romania!!!

Chucky takes manhattan

In celebration of the Child's Play: Chucky's 20th Birthday Edition DVD, a real life Chucky terrorizes innocent bystanders on the streets of New York. Watch this video, it's quite nice.

marți, 23 septembrie 2008

Yomega Metallic Missle

Very vintage and stylish this "Yomega Metallic Missle" yo-yo.

Chris Ware animation

Hilarious animation created by Chris Ware. They have something in their voice that made me laugh and the story is fantastic: a couple's encounter with Jackie Onassis.

marți, 16 septembrie 2008

Wire frame lamp

Nice minimal wire frame lamp for only £25 from urbanoutfitters. (online shopping not available in Romania)

joi, 11 septembrie 2008

White geometric lantern.

When I grow up I'll be a white geometric lantern, as minimalist as it is.

miercuri, 10 septembrie 2008

Flying Lotus - Tea Leaf Dancers

My mood : Chilling out with a cup of tea

marți, 9 septembrie 2008

Letters & style.


Letters are the new wave!

duminică, 7 septembrie 2008

Les Chansons D'Amour

" Les Chansons D'Amour " (2007, Paris)

"A musical interpretation of three lovers living in Paris."

"Fresh" is the only word I can think of about this movie. You have to watch it and taste the flavor of Paris and life itself.

miercuri, 3 septembrie 2008

Lykke Li - I'm Good, I'm Gone

Light-emitting wallpaper

"With Jonas Samson's high-tech light-emitting wallpaper it's possible to use a two-dimentional flat surface as light source instead of a 3D object.As long as the wallpaper is turned ‘off’, it is indistinguishable as a source of light. Instead, it is just what it appears to be: wallpaper."

How does it work?

marți, 2 septembrie 2008

My new Casio Data Bank

Finally my Casio Data Bank (introduced in the late 1980s) arrived today from Hong Kong. This made my day :D.

luni, 1 septembrie 2008

Milosh- You make me feel

"I have always had an intense attraction to songs that are sad, soft and beautiful. I try to capture the moments that are my life in the songs that I create. I take things that for whatever reason, be it good, bad or sad have moved me in some way. I wrap them up in sounds that I think are cool and fit what I am trying to say. I try to ride that thin line of mixing technology with some heart and I try not to cloud the original intention of the song."

This is Milosh, a Canadian electronic musician that seems to have a very good and well organized receipt in creating songs. Well Done!

More of Milosh:



sâmbătă, 30 august 2008

Letters & Design


I have to admit that I'm a fan of Typography, as you probably found out from my profile, and the way letters or numbers are used as interior design objects makes it all seem so stylish and minimal. (More to come in my future posts.)

joi, 28 august 2008

80's cube clock

Nice rubik's cube clock. Reminds me of my childhood, perfect for early mornings.
You can buy it, for only 22$, from fredflare

miercuri, 27 august 2008

Saycet - Teaser



via Teo

My New Blog

- found on fffound -
Here's my first post on my new blog. In a manner of speaking this one is an extension to my previous blog. It'a all about art, fashion, design, music, photography, events and many things.....so i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i'll do.